Homeless In San Diego

Randy's Story



Randy and his wife were living off of social security, in an unsafe housing situation, and on the verge of eviction.  In 2021, Interfaith Community Services connected with them via our Home Safe Program, a homelessness prevention program for Seniors in our community. When asked why Randy chose to be a guest on our podcast, he shared “I was in a situation for a year when I saw no way out.  I did not know about Interfaith, and I just can’t believe what they did for us, or that it was even possible.  It was like a miracle. I get up every day giving thanks for it. Interfaith really takes good care of you and makes sure you are doing ok all the time. They don’t just say here you are…they make sure you continue to do ok.” This is our last episode for Season 2 and we look forward to you joining us again for Season 3 this Summer.