Harris Creek Baptist Church

Battle Ready



SUMMARY Have you ever been injured doing an activity because you didn’t prepare, train, or stretch? There is a spiritual war going on at all times, and if you aren’t ready, you will get hurt. As we continue our series, Unseen Battle, JP teaches us how to prepare for battle by teaching through Ephesians 6. KEY TAKEAWAYS -You have everything you need in Jesus to be victorious over the enemy. -You cannot fight a spiritual battle with worldly weapons. You must use spiritual weapons. -You can’t be strong, you must become strong, and you become strong by preparing. -In Ephesians chapters 1-3, there are no commands. It’s all about who Christ is and what He has done for you. -You have one enemy: satan. -We don’t think about the spiritual battle we are in nearly enough. We are too busy being and seeking to be comfortable. -Know the truth. -The spiritual battle that is being fought is over the territory of your mind. -If you know what’s true the enemy can’t deceive you. -Satan runs the same game plan today that he