One New Person

Overcoming Toxic Independence with 7-Figure Business Coach Cait Scudder



Cait is a Forbes-featured 7-figure Business Coach for women and, in her words, your excuse’s worst nightmare.But back when we met in 2019, she was in distress.She’d been invited to deliver a TEDx talk, and suddenly found herself in unfamiliar territory. Cait was a master at riffing on livestreams. She had attracted a sizable social media following and went from quitting the 9-5 to multiple six figures as a business coach in just a few years, leaning hard on her magnetism and charisma, grounded in sharp intellect.But a TED talk? That’s a whole different ball game, requiring precision and rehearsal.In just 2 months we clarified her Big Idea, structured the talk, and wrote the script. I had the honor of traveling to upstate New York to watch her deliver the talk live and in-person on the Red Dot.And within 10 minutes of that night, she transformed her business into a 7-figure global empire.Today she’s a millionaire CEO, mom to the most adorable little girl - born just a week after my son - and has another on the