Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP241 Are You Ready for Prosperity?



We all have different motivators for wanting money. For some, it's the freedom to have the things they truly want; for others, it's not having to worry about paying bills or the ability to donate to charities. Our views around money form at a young age, and it is this money mindset that then carries out the way we perceive and desire money throughout the remainder of our lives. So, in this episode, I am going to discuss two main mindsets surrounding money—scarcity and abundance—explaining how to change your mindset so that you are ready to reach the level of prosperity you want in life. Listen in as I break down what a money mindset is and how this can impact your ability to achieve your goals. You will learn how to stop operating from a place of fear surrounding money, the benefit of surrounding yourself with people who have an abundance mindset, and how practicing gratitude can increase your positive money mindset. “Understand the past, be in the present, and plan for the future.” - Tracey Bissett This Wee