ADHD Support Talk Radio

Juggling Work and Life with Adult ADHD



Life for an adult with ADHD can feel like a three-ring circus sometimes. Join co-host Lynne Edris as she talks with ADHD Entrepreneur and dad, Jason Hsieh about finding ways to juggle life with ADHD / ADD. Jason Hsieh is an entrepreneur and professional with ADHD, and parent of three children, including a son with Autism and ADHD. Jason’s company, LakiKid, develops and sells products addressing different areas where kids with autism and ADHD can benefit the most. In addition, LakiKid runs an online parent support group with 1500+ members, and hosts a weekly talk show/podcast, Ask an Autism Mom, where parents, teachers, therapists and other professionals promote the latest insights about special needs. You can learn about LakiKid at Podcast Co-Host Lynne Edris Lynne Edris helps distracted professionals overcome overwhelm by reducing procrastination and improving time management so they have more time, more energy, and more money for what they love most! As a woman with ADHD herself, she ha