ADHD Support Talk Radio

Having a Balanced Perspective about Adult ADHD



While living with ADHD/ADD is often frustrating and exhausting and defeating at times, acknowledging and paying attention to our positive characteristics and our strengths is an essential part of learning to manage our shortcomings. In this episode, co-host Lynne Edris talks about having a balanced perspective in how we think about ourselves and our ADHD traits and challenges, and talks about the up-sides of some common characteristics in adults with ADHD. Join us in the ADHD Support Talk community on Facebook to keep the conversation going! Coach Lynne Edris helps distracted professionals overcome overwhelm by reducing procrastination and improving time management so they have more time, more energy, and more money for what they love most! As a woman with ADHD herself, she has been where her clients are and come out the other side, so to speak. She’s gone from living in a constant state of chaos and under-performance to a life full of success and fulfillment! Learn more about Lynne at www.CoachingADDvantage