ADHD Support Talk Radio

Clear Your Mental Clutter: Idea Capture and Storage



Creative, out-of-the-box thinking and idea-generation can be a great strength for many adults with ADHD / ADD, but managing those ideas and actually taking action on them is a completely different story! We’ve all been there. Just as you’re getting “into the zone” on an important task, you have this random, great idea for a new side-hustle, or for the perfect birthday gift for your friend, or for a killer social media post. Now you’ve hit the dilemma: do you try to stay “in the zone” on that task and risk forgetting that great idea, or do you jump out of the zone to capture that idea somewhere and risk losing the momentum you had on that critical project? Co-host Lynne Edris is joined by Alan Brown in this episode to talk about Idea Capture and Storage as a way to clear your mental clutter, and the clutter in your surroundings. Learn how to manage this particular kind of “mental clutter” to reduce physical clutter, stress and frustration and actually do something with your next big idea! An ADHD/productivity