ADHD Support Talk Radio

ADHD and the Power of Practice



In this podcast episode Tara McGillicuddy and Linda Hillger discuss the Power of Practice with Adults with ADHD. Tara and Linda talk about why it sometimes makes sense for adults with ADHD to attend a program or takes a class multiple times. Linda also talks a bit about the upcoming Adult ADD BootCamp | Organized and In Control. For over 20 years, Linda has been coaching and training people in many areas of Personal and Professional Organizing and Efficiency Systems. Specializing in “Easy Systems for Managing Your Home or Office” she offers frequent public conferences and is a regular guest host on internet and radio talk shows. Linda is a professional organizer, regular guest on ADHD Support Talk Radio and the leader of Adult ADD BootCamp. She is a regular speaker on a variety of subjects related to Efficiency and Organizational Systems. She also regularly speaks home, office and work organization. Join us in the ADHD Support Talk community on Facebook to keep the conversation going! ADHD Support Talk Rad