ADHD Support Talk Radio

New Diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Adult ADHD



Co-host Lynne Edris and guest Diane Délina talk about the impact of a new ADHD Diagnosis, and Diane’s new dual diagnosis of ADHD and ASD.  They provide some insights into ASD and ADHD/ADD characteristics in adults that may surprise you and give you more insight! Diane Délina was almost 40 when she learned that she and her children had ADHD and found out even later in life that she is also on the Autism Spectrum. She is a compassionate, happy ADHD Coach/Registered Counsellor, and creates healing retreats for women. Her passion is to help people have the best quality of life possible. Join us in the ADHD Support Talk community on Facebook to keep the conversation going! ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award winning Podcast for Adults with ADD / ADHD. Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris are joined by Adult ADHD experts and they cover important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD. Podcast guests include Dr. Edward Hallowell, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Dr. Ari Tuckman, Laurie Dupar, Terry Matlen and many more.