ADHD Support Talk Radio

ADHD and Self-Awareness Blind Spots



Many people with ADHD have a strong aversion to paying real attention to their own processes and thinking. This avoidance of self-awareness becomes a blind spot that keeps them from reaching meaningful solutions. Without tracking their own intentions and results -- especially the "failures" -- people never gain self-awareness beyond a superficial level. So they continuously get tripped up over the same issues time and again. They can spend years grabbing at tactics but never gaining understanding of why they can't get those tactics to work. Unfortunately, the more "answers" that people search for, the more they can feel like failures when those answers don't work out. Bonnie Mincu, founder of “Thrive with ADD” is a Senior Certified ADHD Coach for Attention Deficit Disorder Adults. Bonnie became an ADHD Coach following 20+ years in corporate management, coaching, training and consulting. After leaving her position with a large consulting firm in 1999, she discovered that without the fast-paced structure and de