ADHD Support Talk Radio

Women with ADHD in Midlife



It’s not early Alzheimer’s! Learn why women with ADHD become even more frenzied, frazzled, forgetful and overwhelmed as hormonal changes exacerbate their underlying ADHD. Find out what you can do to become more calm, centered and confident.  Carol Ann Robbins, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD across the lifespan at the Annapolis ADHD Center. Dr. Robbins has served as Coordinator of the Anne Arundel County Maryland Chapter of CHADD since 2002. She is a seasoned speaker and workshop presenter who presents regularly at national and international conferences on ADHD, as well as locally. She has authored Journal articles and book chapters for professionals in the field and is a recent Past President of the Maryland Psychological Association (MPA), as well as the Coordinator of the MPA Post-Doctoral Institute on ADHD Across the Lifespan. Dr. Robbins is also a licensed provider of Cogmed working memory training and a trained Imago Relationship therapist. P