Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

The Giver



Brenna and Joe join the uniformly black and white life of the 'Sameness' as they dig into Lois Lowry's 1993 Newberry medal winner dystopian text, The Giver. Unfortunately because this is still a YA adaptation podcast, they're also forced to check out Philip Noyce's 2014 film adaptation, which Joe politely describes as a "run of the mill dystopian garbage fest with hot people".In this episode Brenna provides an overview of Lowry's quartet of novels, the pair discuss why the book's focus on empathy, feelings and ambuigty is so powerful, and why The Giver may actually be inappropriate for middle school kids. Oh - and we bash the film A LOT.In Homework: Brenna petitions Joe to read Jeff Zentner's great Rain and Delilah’s Midnight Matinee while Joe reaches all the way back to the Jan 2019 Forecast for an update on Jennifer Dugan's summer love story Hot Dog Girl.Wanna connect with the show? Use #HKHSPod on Twitter:Brenna: @brennacgrayJoe: @bstolemyremoteOr send us an email at hkhspod@gmail.com. See you on