World Lutheran News Digest From Kfuo Radio

Faith-Based Adoption & Foster Care Organizations --- 2017/04/05



Foster care and adoption services exist for the benefit of children. States often partner with private foster care and adoption agencies to help place children with loving families. Many of these private agencies are faith-based. But this system has come under fire, especially since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision legalizing gay marriage. Secular and LGBT interests have passed legislation in some areas stating that all private foster care and adoption agencies must be willing to place children with same-sex couples. Religious agencies that adhere to the Biblical teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman are faced with the choice of abandoning their beliefs or losing state contracts to place children. Fortunately, some states are taking a stand for religious freedom by passing legislation protecting such faith-based agencies. Guest Peter Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies with the Family Research Council. Learn more about FRC’s work at