Friends At The Table

Sangfielle 48: Dead in the Dust Pt. 1



This episode carries content warnings for death, gun violence, knives, mind control/magical compulsion, and decapitation.  It would be too simple for the Blackwick Group to have the space and time necessary to work through everything that has happened to them recently. It has been only hours since rescuing Marn, Pickman, and Bucho from Alaway (and fewer still since Lye Lychen handed over more power to the nascent deity), and yet a new threat curls its way around Blackwick. The dust swirls. The storm calls. There is a knock at the door. This week on Sangfielle: Dead in the Dust Pt. 1 The Almanac of the Heartland Rider Places Blackwick County: From the mines to the lake, the hills to the flats, the town once called Eastern Folly has felt a little more expansive now that it’s out of the hard grip of the old curse. It’s people aren’t perfect, but they’ve made it through some dark times, and that’s more than most can say. Sapodilla: One of, if not the, largest city inside of the walls of Concentus. Sapodilla rest