Productive Insights Podcast Actionable Online Business Growth Made Easy With Ash Roy

218. Building connections on LinkedIn for consultants and coaches Part 2



Let's continue with the 5 Steps To Improving LinkedIn Connections with Adam FranklinWhat message to send?What happens when you don't get a response?How many follow-up messages should you send?Should you offer a content/resource? Marketing giveaway?What engaging messages can you try?Are video/audio messages better than sentence text messages?How do you know if the contact is interested in your offer?What are the things that would demonstrate a connection's interest?What to do with people who don't have time to consume your offered content but are those who need your content the most?When do you offer a 15-minute call with a prospect?When to offer your prospect to book a sales call?What to do when prospects have expressed their interest in your offer?What are the biggest challenges and how to overcome them when making connections on LinkedIn?How to grow your email list while improving connections on LinkedIn?How to optimize your LinkedIn profile?