Dark Tome

The Days of Flaming Motorcycles, by Catherynne M. Valente



Caitlin no longer tracks days by the calendar - instead, it's by the theme covers of the journals she writes while she goes to work at the derelict Java Shack in Augusta, Maine. The themes of these journals, e.g. "The Days of Flaming Motorcycles," are both a useful counter of time and contain the truthful account of her observations of the zombie apocalypse... A mesmerizing story of pandemic and zombies by Catherynne M. Valente, NYT bestselling author of over two dozen works of fiction and poetry (including one of my personal all-time-favorites, the Orphan’s Tales). Read by Kat Moraros, a Chicago-based actor originally hailing from North Yarmouth, Maine. Kat has a deep background of stage, film and voice acting, and is represented by Gill Talent Group Chicago. www.katmoraros.com ( http://www.katmoraros.com ) @katmoraros Female zombie FX by Sarah Golding, AKA Quirky Voices, sarahgoldingvoiceactorandmore.weebly.com and host of the MADIVA podcast for voice actors. Produced, designed, and some zombie sounds by Fr