Dark Tome

Janine, by Emma J Gibbon



This week a reading of the short story JANINE, a haunting tale of youth gone awry thanks to devils in the Maine woods. Story by Emma J Gibbon - Emma J. Gibbon is originally from Yorkshire in the U.K. and now lives in Midcoast Maine. She is a Rhysling-nominated speculative poet, horror writer and librarian. Her debut fiction collection, Dark Blood Comes from the Feet, is out now from Trepidatio Publishing and was one of NPR’s best books of 2020. Her stories have appeared in the Toasted Cake podcast, The Muse & The Flame and the New England Horror Writers anthologies, Wicked Haunted and Wicked Weird. Her poetry has been published in Strange Horizons, Liminality, Pedestal Magazine, Kaleidotrope and Eye to the Telescope. Emma lives with her husband, Steve, and three exceptional animals: Odin, Mothra, and M. Bison (also known as Grim) in a spooky little house in the woods. She is a member of the Horror Writers Association, the New England Horror Writers, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association and the Tue