Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons | The Mark Harrington Show | 11-7-19



Created Equal’s outreach gives our team a unique perspective into the state of the culture. From college campuses to downtown squares, our team is consistently on the frontlines. And one terrifying thing we’ve observed is a link between pro-abortion efforts and proclamations of satanism. At first, we wondered if our experience was unique or if there was a legitimate connection between the defense of abortion and satanism. So, we began investigating. And what we found is nothing short of disturbing. Our team began producing a film to share our findings. We’re putting the finishing touches on it right now so that we can share it with you. Created Equal has been increasing harassed by abortion advocates who overtly identify as Satanists. And those who love death (abortion advocates) are often quick to embrace Satanism’s tenants. Satanists and abortion supporters both believe in “bodily autonomy.” For the Satanist, defending abortion access is a worthy form of worship because one of their tenant’s states, “on