Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

“Miracle Babies” and the Abandoned Unborn | The Mark Harrington Show | 12-6-19



Last week, in a moment of unique candor that had millions of TV viewers reacting in amazement, FOX Sports announcer Gus Johnson shared the personal history about Ohio State running back J.K. Dobbins during the Ohio State vs. Michigan game. “J.K. Dobbins’ mom Mya became pregnant when she was 18 years old,” Johnson said. “She went to the doctor because she was thinking about aborting the baby but changed her mind.” The story went viral. Watch the video HERE: J.K. Dobbins’ mom has referred to him as a “miracle baby.” Clearly the story is a testimony of a mother who did the hard thing and chose life. But as talented as JK Dobbins is, he is not more valuable than any other human created in the image of God. All humans are made in God’s image and deserve respect simply because of what they are. That also goes for the aborted unborn who are routinely butchered by the thousands in America’s abortion mills each day and incinerated like common garbage. What about them? They won’t get the opp