Life Amplified With Dan Mason

Luke Bailey-Wong: Finding Love through Adversity



What would it be like to connect with a human being on the most authentic level, where love is the only way to communicate? Today's story from Luke Bailey-Wong will make you think about the way we interact with each other and how we embrace change in our life. His daughter, Jade, was born without the sense of hearing or speaking. Luke and his wife, Melissa, had no way to verbally communicate and connect with Jade. She was mute and immobilized. Her prognosis was grim. But in the toughest and most challenging moment of their lives, Luke and Melissa realized that Jade was the most authentic form of humanity: LOVE. This challenging experience ended up being the most eye opening journey their family will ever take. From moving their daughter home from the hospital to moving her all the way from New York to California against the advice of doctors, this story of authentic love will make you stop and think. In this episode, Dan and Luke talk about... Why Living for Certainty and Security will Ultimately Lead to