Life Amplified With Dan Mason

The #1 Relationship Saving Tip that Nobody Talks About



It's love week on Life Amplified... AKA "All the things Dan wishes someone would have told him about relationships 20 years ago." All human beings have both masculine and feminine energy within them, and today we're going to learn how it affects relationship dynamics. While each of these energies use the same words to communicate, the words we use have very different meanings. When you learn HOW to communicate with partners of the opposite energy, you can avoid misunderstanding and better meet each other's needs. Among the topics we will discuss are: Why your similarities are what bring you together, but your differences are what keeps a relationship passionate. The differences between masculine and feminine energy and how you have BOTH energies within you, regardless of your gender. The #1 need for masculine and feminine energy partners in a relationship. 3 words that will help a masculine energy partner better connect with a feminine partner. How to get a masculine energy partner to keep making an e