Life Amplified With Dan Mason

How to Overcome Your Fear



FEAR. That dirty four letter word. Not only is it a mental game, it's a physical feeling. That feeling you get deep down inside of you when you think about things you truly want in life. The life you know you should be living, but hold yourself back from. This week on Life Amplified, Dan Mason digs deep into those feelings and thoughts that hold us back. What causes it? Why is it so powerful? And how can we use it to move us forward towards the life we want to live? In this episode, you will learn: * Three fears we've invented that aren't true. * The only two fears we're really born with (and they're not the ones you're thinking about). * How our fears are really just a product of our conditioning and our childhood. * Why you must replace your certainty about fear with a sense of curiosity. * The behavior patterns that will sabotage you from living your purpose when you allow yourself to be paralyzed by fear * Key mindset shifts to help you get unstuck and take courageous action TODAY. * The #1 quest