Life Amplified With Dan Mason

The Seven Mistakes Keeping You Chained to a Soul-Crushing Job



Happy Anniversary! One year ago this week, this podcast launched and became a success because of YOU! So thank you! This week, Dan is helping you set up 2019 to be the best year ever. It's time to take a look in the mirror. What's holding you back? What are the things you say to yourself and others that keep you from staying at your soul-sucking job instead of moving forward? Dan lays out the seven mistakes that keep you chained to your soul-sucking job. Dan made mistakes along his journey and he's sharing what he has learned, so you don't make the same ones yourself. Do any of them resonate with you? Good, it's a start in the right direction. Take a listen and find out why what you tell yourself is actually a lie. Things discussed this week include...How doing the things that scare you actually create more clarity.The importance of daily goal setting and how it can power you through your day.Why taking the leap to follow your passion is the best thing you can do for your family.How your true passion and c