Paleo Runner

Using Stoicism to Overcome Adversity: A Short Guide to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy



The ideas presented in this book are based on the ancient wisdom of Stoicism and the more contemporary Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). By putting the advice into practice, you will be able to more easily overcome adversity and better control your emotions. When we experience intense emotions such as anger, depression, or anxiety, we assume that something outside of ourselves caused our feelings. But, according to REBT, it is our underlying beliefs about our circumstances that control our emotions. By changing our underlying beliefs, we can change how we feel. According to Albert Ellis, founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), we make an error when interpreting our emotions. When we experience intense emotions such as anger, depression, or anxiety, we assume that something outside of ourselves caused our feelings. But, according to REBT, it is our underlying beliefs about our circumstances that control our emotions. By changing our underlying beliefs, we can change how we feel. The therap