Aging In Full Bloom

When Caregiving Calls with Author Aaron Blight



Caring for a parent, spouse, or relative who cannot care for themselves due to age, infirmity, or illness is one of the noblest human activities. It's also one of the most stressful, posing challenges that can be painful, confusing, frustrating, and deeply rewarding-sometimes all at once. When Caregiving Calls is an invitation to a deep conversation about caregiving and its meaning for you. Aaron Blight has lived the caregiving experience many ways-as a family caregiver for a mother-in-law struggling with brain cancer as it stole her mental clarity and ultimately her life; as the owner of a home care company that supported thousands of families living their own versions of the same journey; and as a researcher, lecturer, and consultant traveling the world to learn from family caregivers and their professional helpers. He shares his insights in eighteen brief, thoughtful chapters that examine the many facets of caregiving. He explores how caregiving reshapes family relationships, challenges comfortable assumpt