Aging In Full Bloom

Elder Law Attorney Maggie Kimmel



Elder law is an area of legal practice that specializes on issues that affect the aging population. The purpose of elder law planning is to prepare the elderly person for financial freedom and autonomy through proper financial planning and long-term care options. With me on this episode is my new friend Maggie Kimmel. an attorney with AlerStallings. As she states... AlerStallings offers continued support through all seasons of life to make sureour clients’ estate plans are up to date and reflect their current wishes. Mygrandparents came to this firm eight years ago to craft their own estate plan.Hearing them talk about that continued support and feeling cared for madeall the difference for me. I knew this was the way I wanted to practice law.She loves meeting with clients, hearing their stories, and then helping them craft an estate plan that will work for them and their families exactly the way they want it to. Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at - Aging in Full Bloom with Lisa St