Friends At The Table

Sangfielle 47: Wax, Ichor, and Iron Pt. 4



This episode carries content warnings for cannibalism, blood, direct physical trauma to a bodily organ, burned hands, implied temporary imprisonment, and rotten food. Having escaped Alaway's ad hoc temple, the Blackwick Group has attended to their collective wounds and begun to piece together what the vampiric Lord of Wax is planning. In short: godhood. In detail: the theft and usurpation of the last, material power of the Mother-Beast, the god who once called this territory hers. They know, too, that to confront their foe directly at this point would be to invite destruction and calamity. And so it is time for counter-schemes and further research. Perhaps, though... perhaps just a peek? A quick look at what this recurring enemy is capable of. Just a glance, and nothing more. This week on Sangfielle: Wax, Inchor, and Iron Pt. 4 The Almanac of the Heartland Rider Places Blackwick County: From the mines to the lake, the hills to the flats, the town once called Eastern Folly has felt a little more expansive now