Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

HR 6666 TRACE BILL on John Haller's Prophecy Update "Banned-Demic"



"Plandeminc?"  Probably far from it.  Apparently, many Christians have discarded reason and discernment for an emotional overreaction to the current pandemic that is devasting our families and the economy with the advent of a recent, New Age rooted video, that has gone viral online.    When evaluating any statement or position, it is imperative that we, as believers, examine the source behind the material presented, resisting the tendency to bias our reaction to it on how it makes us feel.  While we may want to believe what is being said, many times an explanation becomes a convenient answer to an unanswerable question.  We must exercise discernment and test all things...and if it does not meet the test, it must be discarded as invalid.  Such is John's evaluation of the "Plandemic" video that has been produced by some questionable persons. Don't believe us?  Wait until you see the brief excerpt of a video from one of the video-backer's websites.  If you don't see the co