One New Person

Recovering From Social Anxiety - Entrepreneurship with Top 100 Podcaster Mark Metry



Mark Metry is an entrepreneur, a Forbes featured TEDx and keynote speaker, and a podcast host who has interviewed billionaires, New York Times bestselling authors and world-class human beings on his Global Top 100 podcast.But once upon a time he couldn't make direct eye contact with anyone. Mark suffered from social anxiety.And boy can I relate to that.In this conversation we discussed the seeming contradiction of running a group program for people with social anxiety, his background as an immigrant who overcame bullying, racial discrimination, and health issues to become a success entrepreneur in his teens, how he pushed through social anxiety to become a global top 100 podcaster, and crucially, how to know when to quit a project or task. And of course, Mark shares his story of a chance encounter with lasting impact.Plus, he gives a critical piece of advice to young professionals trying to make it in this increasingly chaotic and isolated world.Connect with Mark: Website: https://MarkMetry.comScrew Being Shy