The Korea Society

ARMISTICE DAY SALUTE 2019 at Korean War Memorial in Battery Park



JULY 26, 2019 — NEW YORK —A ceremony to honor those who served in the Korean War took place on Friday, July 26, 2019, at 12 noon at the New York Korean War Veterans Memorial in Battery Park, New York. The event, which marks the 66th Anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953, is hosted by the nonprofit, nonpartisan The Korea Society, which promotes awareness, understanding and cooperation between the United States and Korea. The ceremony will feature the unveiling of a plaque that shows the newly updated Republic of Korea figures for casualties, wounded and missing in action in the war that waged from 1950-1953. Since the creation of the New York Korean War Veterans Memorial in 1991, the original statistics have been dramatically revised. South Korea’s official count has grown to 137,899 dead, 450,742 wounded, and 24,495 missing, while on the American side, the U.S. government reports 36,574 American dead, 103,284 wounded and more than 7,800 missing. The creation of the