The Korea Society

Korea's Presidential Election: Forecast and Impact Analysis



March 7, 2022 - In advance of the Republic of Korea 2022 presidential election, the eighth since Korea’s democratization, The Korea Society invites experts in Seoul for a live webcast discussion with a forecast and impact analysis. Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Seoul/Tokyo bureau chief for The Washington Post, Karl Friedhoff, Marshall M. Bouton Fellow for Asian Studies at The Chicago Council, Jeongmin Kim, Lead Correspondent at NK News and NK Pro, and Dr. Katrin Katz, Korea Society’s Van Fleet Nonresident Senior Fellow, join policy director Jonathan Corrado to discuss the implications of the vote for Korea, the U.S.-ROK Alliance and relationship, inter-Korean relations, and coordination on North Korea policy. This program is made possible by the generous support from the Korea Foundation. For more information, please visit the link below: