
Green Hydrogen (Mini-series) Ep 3 - The Role of the Large Energy Companies in the Hydrogen Economy with Biraj Borkataria



Biraj Borkataria is always looking at the details to determine how they affect the big picture.  As an analyst for RBC, ranked #7 globally for his sector, he’s a respected voice in the discussion around Big Energy’s transition toward climate solutions. In this Part 3 of our Green Hydrogen series, Biraj and I aim to take stock of how Green Hydrogen is developing through the lens of major global energy players.  What is tipping the scales?  Who is working together now and what role does the government play?  How can we separate hype from reality, what innovations are inevitable, and who can participate in the revolution?  Is there space for startups? Where are the billion dollar investments going?  Will the Supermajors play along? If you’re new to the Hydrogen discussion, you’ll also appreciate the description on the “colors of hydrogen” (blue, black, green, what?), scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions defined, carbon capture ventures versus renewable hydrogen production, and even the detai