
447: How are you doing…Really? With Derick Lila, PV Buzz



Today's Tactical Tuesday features Derick Lila, the founder of PV Buzz (a platform focused on the North American Solar industry.) Recently, he made an interesting post on LinkedIn about Black History month and its emphasis on "black awesomeness" while overlooking issues related to black wellness. The post was particularly notable as the theme of this year's Black History Month is centered around Black health and wellness.  I commented as I am prone to do, and it struck a chord, so I asked Derick to come on SunCast and let’s discuss it. Truth be told: It is relatively easy to fall into "celebrating" Black History by solely focusing upon the accomplishments of the past. In contrast, true celebration seems to encompass the whole of the culture, including considering the present struggles of black communities.  In light of this, today's Tactical Tuesday discussion focuses on exploring the mental health side of entrepreneurship, through the lens of a fellow entrepreneur, who happens to be Black. We also f