Paleo Runner

Per Bylund on Entrepreneurship, Austrian Economics, and Intellectual Property



00:00:00.000 Professor Per Bylund 00:00:36.107 How did you become interested in entrepreneurship? 00:03:08.377 Theory vs practice of entrepreneurship 00:03:26.372 Mises: Human Action 00:04:28.346 Will understanding economics help us become better entrepreneurs? 00:04:46.894 Errors entrepreneurs make 00:04:59.100 Production process vs value process 00:08:15.300 Serving yourself by serving others 00:09:14.261 Creativity and imagination 00:09:53.810 Ideas vs implementation 00:09:57.590 Invention vs innovation 00:11:47.666 Value first, cost second 00:15:06.411 Entrepreneurship: Thinking about the economy in the right way 00:15:49.231 What projects get you excited about entrepreneurship? 00:16:11.760 Decentralization of technology 00:17:09.611 Social media 00:20:26.529 Future of content creation 00:21:28.986 Cryptocurrency 00:22:09.028 Ethereum 00:22:13.817 Nano 00:22:31.627 Micropayments 00:23:09.352 What ha