Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone with Dr. Joe McEnhill



Dr. Joe McEnhill sort of fell into dentistry. As a student in Belfast, he was torn between medicine and dentistry. But, he was meant to be a dentist. After all, his sister and both of his brothers are also dentists.  He'll jokingly tell you he's the best of them because he has the most letters after his name. We think he's one of the best because of his hunger for knowledge and skills as a surgical dentist. Yes, dental surgery can be intimidating. Do you remember how many teeth you extracted in dental school? You aren't alone — we can count how many we practiced extractions on one hand. That's why Dr. McEnhill recommends starting small and simple to build your confidence. The first steps he took into dental surgery were removing wisdom teeth and fixing fractured jaws.  Starting with the basics will give you the foundation you need to build a robust set of skills. Then, build a portfolio gradually and play to your strengths and the needs of your patients. Dr. McEnhill discusses how owning a dental practice in