New Books In Medicine

In Science We Trust?: An insider Conversation with Health Policy Reporter, Fran Kritz



Americans are deeply polarized on many issues, including science and medicine. Where once was widespread agreement, today the differences are sharp: on one hand, posters announce, “I believe in science!” and on the other hand, dramatic videos show ICU patients affirming their anti-vax beliefs with their final breaths. What is going on? Science is supposed to be based on reason, not faith. We get into a pile of metal – our cars – every day without fear because we trust the engineers, who built cars based on science. Science is characterized by observation, empirical findings, and replication. At least that’s the way it is supposed to be. Not long ago, Americans and most people around the world trusted the integrity of science. But that trust has been in decline for years, to our collective detriment. Why did science lose so much of the public trust? How does that loss relate to the decline of trust in other institutions? What are the trust-related issues for minorities? What can the scientific enterprise do to