One New Person

The Barrel of a Loaded Calendar - Reclaim your humanity with writer Corey McComb



Corey McComb is a writer based in San Diego. Through blog posts, essays, and the occasional short story, Corey examines the human condition and new ways of thinking.He also works with people and companies who need to tell their stories to launch products and spread ideas.And speaking of spreading ideas, that’s how I came across Corey’s work: his brand new TEDx talk.It’s called, “Productivity Is For Robots! Here’s How to Stay Human.” And it quickly became one of my all-time favorite TEDx talks.As someone who has both given a viral TEDx talk myself, and coached dozens of speakers to spread their big idea on the red dot, I was absolutely blown away by Corey’s content, delivery, structure, and of course, writing.In this conversation we discuss many things, but it all centers on being a professional creative. How do you get ideas, balancing business with creativity, why you should be a collector of stories, what he did when he went completely blank during his TEDx talk, how comedian John Mulaney changed his life…A