New Books In Psychology

Amy Schwartz Cooney and Rachel Sopher, "Vitalization in Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Being and Becoming" (Routledge, 2021)



A book on psychoanalytic theory that you read with a lump in your throat: theory that taps into some deep currents. We interview Dr. Amy Schwartz Cooney and Rachel Sopher about their edited volume Vitalization in Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Being and Becoming (Routledge, 2021). Amy tells us about psychoanalytic transformation and … the New York Knicks (?!) Rachel reflects on an image she had: “I imagined with great clarity an image of [her patient] Jennie and me sitting together in my office, an inert body laid out between us. Gray, corpselike, it rested on a block with intravenous (IV) tubes coming out of each of its arms. One of the IVs ran from the prostrate body to Jennie’s arm, and the other to mine, each of us connected to this lifeless mass, infusing it with our own blood, each of us feeding it, sustaining it, keeping it on life support in some limbo state between life and death.” This is a powerful, timely volume. Amy Schwartz Cooney, Ph.D., is on faculty at the New York University (NYU) Post-Doct