Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

March Angel Reading



Do you ever wish you could become instantly aligned with the flow of the universe and live through ease and joy? March is going to be one of those months where the opportunity to become aligned and enjoy the richness of life is available to all of us! With no planets in retrograde make sure your intentions are focused and pure because manifestations will be forthcoming! March will also be a supportive month with lots of opportunities to work with your Angels and guides in a big way. I dive into all of this in this episode plus I’ll be sharing: The theme for the month and it’s significance. The numerology of the month and it’s meaning. Key Astrological dates for the month ahead and what to expect. The Angels to work with during March. The importance of 20th March. And of course the Angel Cards for the month ahead and their guidance. And so much more! __________________ If you'd like to apply for the Angel Intuitive Certification, you can fill out your application here (applications closing on 23rd Feb):