Well & Why

070 - 2021 Q2 Solo - Transitions and Newness {with Grace}



If you or anybody you know and love is looking to buy and/or sell real estate in the near future, please don't hesitate to reach out HERE with any questions!Quarter 2 of 2021 is nearly wrapping up as it's mid-June and the next episode in two weeks from today is July 1st.In this episode, I talk about finding grace in the phases of life while utilizing seasons, months and oftentimes even weeks as a fresh new start rather than waiting for January 1st every year.I touch on the grace I give myself and others as I navigate a fairly new career in real estate, dating and the adventure that provides and pivoting my almost 2.5 year old baby, Well & Why, to focusing strictly on Real Estate for now to see how that benefits my current reality.I hope this episode helps you in some way to realize that it’s 110% more than welcomed to continue twisting, turning and making decisions that benefit YOU.We have a full SIX months left until this year concludes; that holds space for two more seasons, six more months, approximate