Well & Why

078 - Mortgages with Expert Marc Demetriou



If you or anybody you know and love is looking to buy and/or sell real estate in the near future, reach out HERE with your questions!First time home buyers, this one's for you!!MORTGAGES - "WTH AND WHERE DO WE START," you ask? Right here, actually :)Marc Demetriou is an expert in all things finance and mortgages, but from a holistic POV. I love this so much because there's way more to buying a house than the sale price and the down payment. We cover MANY of those topics in this conversation, including, but not limited to....Taking educated chances and risks, as well as what it means to take out a mortgage with a lender when buying a house.Marc goes over what exactly he looks into when approving you to buy a house, we cover bits of pieces of conventional loans versus an FHA loans, we touch on appraisals and what it means when a house under-appraises, and the list goes on, but that's only part of it all in the thirty minutes we had!Links: Marc's book on Amazon // @marcdemetriou // @themarcdemetriouteam // @seas