Well & Why

081 - The Home Buying Process with Yours Truly



In this episode, I talk you through the step by step process of buying a home and ~almost~ everything that happens within a transaction.I share the journey it takes to find the right home, how clarity shows up in different ways for every buyer, and my perspective on how shopping for a house is like dating and looking for the right partner.I go over so many little fun facts about purchasing real estate that most millennials don’t know if they’re not in the industry; for example, did you know that buyers don’t pay the commission here in NJ? That is fully the responsibility of the sellers. Another surprising factor is that despite our offer being accepted and in the attorney review process, some sellers might still be open to other offers and cancelling the deal before being under contract. Once we’re under contract, we can breathe a little bit better knowing that we’re in a safe zone.This episode paints a picture as to the extensive work and detail that goes into buying a house; it’s not as easy as finding a cu