Well & Why

082 - Why to Consider Resale - with Deb Sprung



What is resale and why should I consider it, you ask? Wonderful question!Is getting a home you absolutely adore and love worth a few extra home cooked meals versus date night out on the town or a little less avocado toast from your favorite local cafe?In this episode, Deb Sprung and I discuss how markets are cyclical and ever changing, so it’s important to consider that the house you’re shopping for will be desired by others in the future whether you plan on moving out or not.. we never ever know what curve ball will be thrown at us next.We also talk about how getting more of what you want may come at a cost, but when you calculate with your lender the monthly price difference between paying $350k for a house and $360k, it’s actually quite small when you break it down that way!Another topic we touch on is how clarity comes over time with exploring the market and seeing what’s out there. Sometimes, we don’t know what we want or need until we find it. Other times, we discover what it is we truly want or need be