One New Person

Making Ideas Behave - Crafting Irresistible Messages with Tamsen Webster



Today’s guest Tamsen Webster, and she’s just as cool as her name suggests.Tamsen is a message strategist. In a sentence, she helps experts make their ideas irresistible.She’s the former executive producer of TEDx Cambridge, one of the legacy TEDx conferences and before that spent 13 years as a Weight Watchers leader.But those of us in the industry know her as The Idea Whisperer.I’m a huge fan of Tamsen and her work, and last year she finally released a book detailing her proprietary method for crafting ideas into irresistible messages. It’s called Find Your Red Thread.I bought it, read it in one day, and immediately implemented it in my work as a speaker AND in my own coaching practice working with TEDx speakers and leaders.The episode you’re about to hear is less an interview and more a conversation between two geeks over ideas, storytelling, and messaging.Some topics we covered:What is a red thread? Why are ideas so important? Behind-the-scenes look at the TEDx process. How to differentiate your idea from e