Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 49, ACT 1: Mauricio Salgado - Reframe Around Repair



Hello, PODience! We have a brand new episode and we can't wait for you to hear it. We are gushing over our newest guest, Mauricio Salgado, featured in Episode 49: Reframe Around Repair. Salgado, who plays many roles and holds myriad positions as an artist and changemaker, notes that he is in pursuit of justice and healing through a decolonial framework—seeing, naming and analyzing power structures in order to upset the intrinsic imbalance. In his conversation with Courtney, Salgado tells us that, through the ways in which he was brought up by his parents, he realized from a young age that justice is a lens through which one can view the world; that the scales of power are always off balance and the pursuit of balancing that power became his objective. And he has held true to that objective by working within and alongside organizations that create and nurture sustainable relationships within their ecosystems and engaging in reparative work to redistribute wealth and power. What else does he do and hope to acco