Modern Farm Girls Podcast

Josh Clemente on using continuous glucose monitoring to optimize health



Do you ever wish that you could know how specific foods impact your energy, sleep, mood, or overall health? And better yet, know in real-time so you can take actionable steps to get the outcome you want?  A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) might just be the solution you are looking for. For most of their existence, these tools have only been available to those diagnosed with poorly managed diabetes. So, in other words, once there was already a problem. My guest for this episode, Josh Clemente, who when seeking answers to his own health questions, found this barrier to be frustrating and confusing.  Why should you need permission or wait to have a problem in order to get information about your own body? Josh channeled these feelings and created Levels, a CGM available to the general public. Josh says “the intention of Levels is to generate metabolic awareness” and understand how all your individual choices affect you and use that to piece together tactics to achieve your goals.  I don’t typically dedicate an e