Well & Why

Intro to Well & Why with Allee



This little clip is a brief intro and gratuitous message to you, the listener, for taking the time out of your life to devour this content. Well & Why is wellness inspired focusing on lifestyle design and the growth mindset. Wellness isn't just about the food on our plates, but it's also relative to what we consume in all forms of digesting information; our mind, body, and spirit are all connected with each pillar feeding the next. Let us fuel our minds with empowering stories, concepts and perspectives to take away nuggets of inspiration and enhance our time here on Earth. For all we know for sure, it's the only chance we're gifted. PS: Thank you to my support system. My Instagram: @spirituallynutritious wellandwhy@gmail.com Katie Dalebout: @katiedalebout Tree River Music on Bandcamp