Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0017 - Iki Bye



Did you know Lithuanians are HIV resistant?  Wow!  Lithuanians are also amongst the tallest people in the world, about half have blonde hair and most Lithuanians have blue eyes.  Who knew?  Listen to the show to discover more... labas vakarėlis                       good evening ką darai?                              what's up? nieko, o tu?                          nothing, and you? nieko                                    nothing kaip sekasi?                          how are you? ką?                                      what? kaip sekasi?                          how are you? neblogai, ačiū, kaip sekasi?     not bad thanks, how are you? ypatingai gerai, ačiū               especially good, thanks iki pasimatymo!                    until we see each other again! iki!                                        see ya! blogai                                   bad lik sveikas!                           stay healthy! (to a male) lik sveika!                             stay healthy! (to a female) email