Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0029 - Perkūnas Thundergod



According to Wikipedia, in the ancient Lithuanian religion, Perkūnas is the Lithuanian God of thunder, the God of the sky, the Lord of rain, mountains, oak trees and storms.  Quite a powerful god indeed. In songs about a “heavenly wedding" Saulė (the Sun) cheats on Perkūnas with Mėnulis (the Moon); Perkūnas splits Mėnulis in half with a sword. According to another, more popular, version, Mėnulis cheats on the Sun with Aušrinė (the morning star) just after the wedding, and Perkūnas punishes it. However, Mėnulis does not learn and repeats the adultery and is punished again every month. Other explanations say it is why the Sun shines during the day and the Moon at night. Though divorced, both want to see their daughter Žemyna (the Earth). In other songs Perkūnas, on the way to the wedding of Aušra (dawn; the daughter of the Sun), strikes a golden oak, most likely in order to expel evil spirits, Velnias or snakes, that usually hide below the roots of an oak. The oak is a tree of the thunder god in the Lithuanian