Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0080 - Du Broliai Two Brothers



Hey there!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  First off, I need to apologize to anyone who’s sent us an email with a gmail address.  Unfortunately, our spam blocker was working overtime again and blocked these emails and we never got them.  We’re very sorry for the error.  So, if you have a gmail address and you sent us an email and did not get a response, please send it again and we promise to reply this time.  Sorry about that. I’d like to thank Aldona of Los Angeles, California for coming on the show and helping us record this episode.  Aldona teaches Lithuanian and she was kind enough to spend about an hour with us working on this episode.  Thanks a million Aldona! Just for clarification, this episode only covers regular nouns, we’ll cover some irregular nouns in upcoming episodes.  Well, Raminta will be here in just three days!  Woohoo!  So, this episode should be the last one you listen to using Skype for quite some time.  After today we’ll be providing much better audio.  Also, as